Our environmental work
Klimatsmart, cirkulärt, närproducerat, rejuvinerande, levande landsbygd och inte minst hållbart är nödvändiga ord på var mans läppar nu i det 21:a århundradet. These concepts have been the guiding principles of Tiraholms Fisk for almost 40 years, and even longer of course. Or it hasn’t been a watchword, it has been a matter of course. Låt oss berätta.
When Vicky and Nisse decided in the early 1980s to pursue a life in the countryside and thus commercial fishing in Lake Bolmen, they had no choice but to focus on a fishery that did not threaten the local ecosystem of the lake. By fishing with bottom nets that allow us to catch the fish alive and thus release fish worthy of protection, we ensure that the stocks in Bolmen are healthy. It also means that we always have completely fresh fish, which we think you’ll appreciate!
Since 1981 we have also had a small rainbow trout farm. Fish farms are often controversial from many perspectives. Mainly because of the size of the farm, it does not affect the water quality of the lake. Careful management of feed and equipment keeps the fish healthy, which is why antibiotics and other medicines are not used.
In our farm shop, one of Sweden’s first and inaugurated at a time when supermarkets and supermarkets were the obvious way forward, we sell the fish we catch ourselves or grow and process on the farm. It is not more difficult than that. The same goes for our restaurant, which, by the way, is mainly built with storm-felled timber from Gudrun that we sawed ourselves. Other raw materials such as dairy, eggs, vegetables, drinks and ice cream are purchased as locally and regionally as possible. När det kommer råvaror längre ifrån tror vi på produktion med schysta villkor och betalt till arbetarna. Vi tar hjälp av adekvat kvalitetsmärkning då.
Vi ser det som en viktig utmaning att ständigt finna nya vägar att använda mer av fisken och fångsten. Det har resulterat i produkter av göskinder, fiskskinn, laxoljan och ”så kallad” skräpfisk som mört och braxen.
The entire plant at Tiraholm is heated with wood chips from its own FSC-certified forest – wood chips are 100% renewable and require virtually no transportation. Regarding sewage, instead of hiding nutrients in the soil with hidden infiltration, we have for some time now chosen to treat the residual water in open ponds.
Energy-efficient solutions and recycling are a matter of course on the farm.
Under 2019 gjorde vi med hjälp av Klimatklivet en rejäl satsning på laddstolpar, 16 punkter. Vi vill stå redo för framtiden och inte bara locka hit medvetna gäster utan även säkerställa att de kommer härifrån… Sedan ett par år har vi några av ladutaken täckta av solceller. Vi har störst elproduktion på gården när solen lyser som bäst. I dagsläget täcker vi ca 20 % av vår årsförbrukning med el vi själva producerar- här kan vi bli bättre då vi har fler tak att fylla och det arbetar vi emot.
Vi har genom åren haft omkring 400 ungdomar anställda för säsongsarbete och för många av dem har det varit deras första sommarjobb. We believe that meaningful jobs have an impact on both the individual and the region. We do not in any way claim that this is our merit, but we note that many of those who worked with us in their teens now live, work and in many cases run businesses in the area.
Our newly built hotel and conference facility, like all other investments, has been permeated by local craftsmen, suppliers and contractors. Furniture and materials have been carefully selected with Swedish production and sustainable materials in mind. In most cases, we have done well.
We are happy to play a small part in helping you and your business achieve your ambitious sustainability goals. We are happy to tell you more!